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No New Posts the blackened earth - 1 Viewing

the blackened earth is the training grounds/ wepons testing site of the entire Avatar Empire testing of bombs, missles, and other weapons of mass distruction

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No New Posts mephidross

The gas filled swampland that completly surrounds the necropolis. There are very few who know how to survive the corrosive mists. the mist that fills the air like a pugnant musk, is corrosive to flesh and metals or anything else for that matter. There are some beasts that can survive the mists although the lay in hiding untill fresh kill lures them out to devoure the corps befor the mist corrodes them away.

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No New Posts the city

The capital city is the epicenter of the avatar empire. The home of the avatar emperor Raziel. No one has ever entered its wall in time of war.

1 3 the city
by Lenore Greyfell
May 20, 2009 18:37:28 GMT -5


Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
newBookmarkLockedFalling lake of the fallen gods
raziel 1 186 by raziel
May 19, 2009 8:31:25 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Open Sky
High Seraphim Alastor 0 191 by High Seraphim Alastor
May 14, 2009 13:12:28 GMT -5


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necropolis is the home of the avatars, a race of half-angel, half-demons who are the keepers of the chaos orb stolen from lucifer himself. the city is crafted from pure crystal
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