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newBookmarkLockedFalling Tavern Valpanbarion
High Seraphim Alastor 5 760 by talaya
Aug 2, 2009 11:32:30 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Elven Training Grounds.
High Seraphim Alastor 24 594 by talaya
May 16, 2009 15:48:09 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling EverGlade Shopping Distrect
High Seraphim Alastor 0 170 by High Seraphim Alastor
May 13, 2009 20:42:36 GMT -5


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The elven city located in the heart of the Evergreen forest. The city is huge, several taverns, and several shops. The city is made out of ancient gaint threes that reach enormous heights and many of the buildings are just hollowed out trees, some even have staircases. During everyday life in the city, there are elves training, kids running and playing, shopping, and tourism.
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