Post by High Seraphim Beelzebub on May 28, 2009 at 8:18pm
Their are two types of army force "Elite" and "spawn"
Elite- These armies are relatively small but the warriors in the group are very power full and skill full. These warriors can not be recreated and have a set number. You can only regenerate these armies out side of battle.
Spawn- These armies are very large but the warriors are crude and not very skilled in combat. However these warriors can be recreated and have no set number. They can also be regenerated in battle.
Post by Kyzer on May 30, 2009 at 2:18pm
Nyehh... Not sure it's quite so cut-and-dry. There are forces in between-- A sort of middle ground. This could take a bit more planning, but I'm glad you set up the concept here.
Post by Hartanna on May 30, 2009 at 6:58pm
I agree with Kyzer, there needs to be more wiggle room, but it is great that this is set down now, otherwise we'd get, idk, huge freaking hordes that kick major ass...like, oh, idk, the strength of the Marines with the numbers of the Army...and that would be like armageddon...lolz
Post by High Seraphim Beelzebub on May 30, 2009 at 9:29pm
Occ: this was just to get something started...its not any thing that im going around enforceing. I'm thinking about moving this to a different area any way!